Community for Most Desirable and Talented CDOs


Odgers Berndtson, Turkey
"Future fit CDO" is the network where the aspiring Chief Digital Officers and the present day CDOs can create their own digital suite to connect with the visionary leaders and companies alike and share inspiring ideas while going through unique high tech & high touch experience.
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and what we offer...

For over 50 years, Odgers Berndtson has helped some of the world’s biggest and best organizations find the senior talent to drive their agendas. We deliver executive search, assessment and development to businesses and organizations varying in size, structure and maturity. We do that across over 50 sectors, whether commercial, public or not-for-profit and draw on the experience of more than 250 Partners and their teams in 29 countries.

As a unique provider of people and development focused assessment and development programs in Turkey, we have developed the best practices over many years with international standards and global «know-how» through our accumulated expertise in diverse industries and businesses.

Visit our website and learn more about our services, management assessment & leadership practices and transformative development programs.




Delivering on the digital ambition is of critical importance for the companies since the digital transformation is rapidly redefining the society. Customer expectations and how companies address them are being transformed in the very process of digitalization. Companies leveraging on the adoption of new technologies are offered unparalleled opportunities for value creation.

However, with great opportunity comes a greater challenge. Although the digitalization is a business wide buzzword whose importance is crystal clear, it also appears to be one of the major challenges companies face. Simply adopting new technologies does not promise a competitive edge to the companies. Organizations may highly likely to undergo restructuring process to lead, attract, develop, and engage their most valuable assets – their people. It is a cumbersome process for the companies which do not have the right skill set and capabilities to execute it.

From surviving to thriving in an Age of Digital Disruption


CDO’s role is highly demanding in terms of the skillset and personal attributes. As a facilitator of change CDOs should not only apply the technical know-how while evangelizing and overseeing digital transformation from a business and process perspective. Human first approach should also be adopted to make the transformation a success. Therefore; companies rely on the CDO’s soft skills. Building empathy and trust on the way of transformation is what winner companies required. Human centric approach demands CDOs to act as Chief Empathy Officers. Considering the ethics along the transformation therefore; will be a differentiator for thriving in the digital era.

Digitalization is eating the world and forcing business models to evolve. Instead of swimming against the current, companies should surf the digital wave and disrupt themselves. The role of the CDO is therefore; vital. CDOs should be strong communicators and key decision makers who take the lead in the companies digitalization process confidently in line with the company’s vision and narrate it to the stakeholders.
